CRS Calculator

How does CRS Calculator work?

To calculate the CRS score of the candidates, Express Entry makes use of the credentials submitted by the candidates while creation of their profiles in the pool. The selection factors include education, age, language proficiency, and others.

CRS calculator awards point to candidate’s express entry profile based on the following factors:

  • Core Human Capital factors
  • Accompanying common-law partner or spouse factors
  • Factors transferability of Skill
  • Factors relating to a nomination from a province, a qualifying offer of prearranged employment, study experience in Canada, a relative in Canada, and/or ability in the French language

We made it is easy for you, just enter your details in the form below and we’ll provide you with your exact score:

CRS Calculator 1

    How old are you?
    Choose the best answer:

    --If you’ve been invited to apply, enter your age on the date you were invited.
    --If you plan to complete an Express Entry profile, enter your current age.

    Is your spouse or common-law partner a citizen or permanent resident of Canada?

    What is your level of education?

    Have you earned a Canadian degree, diploma or certificate?

    Choose the best answer to describe this level of education.

    Are your test results less than two years old?

    Which language test did you take for your first official language?

















    Do you have other language results?
    If so, which language test did you take for your second official language?

    Test results must be less than two years old.









    Work Experience

    In the last ten years, how many years of skilled work experience in Canada do you have?
    It must have been paid and full-time (or an equal amount in part-time).

    Note: In Canada, the National Occupational Classification (NOC) is the official list of all the jobs in the Canadian labour market. It describes each job according to skill type, group and level.

    "Skilled work" in the NOC is:

    managerial jobs (NOC Skill Level 0)
    professional jobs (NOC Skill Type A)
    technical jobs and skilled trades/manual work (NOC Skill Type B)
    If you aren’t sure of the NOC level for this job, you canfind your NOC.

    In the last 10 years, how many total years of foreign skilled work experience do you have?
    It must have been paid, full-time (or an equal amount in part-time), and in only one occupation (NOC skill type 0, A or B).

    Do you have a certificate of qualification from a Canadian province, territory or federal body?
    Note: A certificate of qualification lets people work in some skilled trades in Canada. Only the provinces, territories and a federal body can issue these certificates. To get one, a person must have them assess their training, trade experience and skills to and then pass a certification exam.

    People usually have to go to the province or territory to be assessed. They may also need experience and training from an employer in Canada.

    This isn’t the same as a nomination from a province or territory.

    Additional Points

    Do you have a valid job offer supported by a Labour Market Impact Assessment (if needed)?
    A valid job offer must be

    in a skilled job listed as Skill Type 0, or Skill Level A or B in the 2011 National Occupational Classification
    supported by a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or exempt from needing one
    for one year from the time you become a permanent resident
    A job offer isn’t valid if your employer is:

    an embassy, high commission or consulate in Canada or
    on the list of ineligible employers.
    Whether an offer is valid or not also depends on different factors, depending on your case.

    Improve your language score

    How to Improve Your CRS Score?

    Navigating Canada’s PR journey demands strategic planning for a strong CRS score. Bi-weekly Express Entry draws offer consistent chances to boost points. Consequently, implement these strategies if your score is below the ITA threshold. Hence, timely action can make a significant impact on your immigration prospects. Furthermore, staying vigilant and adaptable to evolving requirements is crucial for success. Additionally, keep abreast of policy changes to stay ahead in the competitive immigration landscape. In conclusion, a proactive approach will not only enhance your CRS score but also increase your chances of securing an ITA swiftly.

    1. Improve Your Language Score: Mastering language tests, such as IELTS, is crucial. Additionally, achieving a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level 9 can contribute a maximum of 136 points, while proficiency in the French language can add up to 72 points

    2. Provincial Nominee Program (PNP): Participating in a Provincial Nominee Program and subsequently securing an ITA for Nomination from a Canadian province brings an additional 600 points in the Express Entry system.

    3. Get an LMIA Approved Work Offer: A recognized job offer with Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) approval can significantly and strategically boost your CRS score, adding a maximum of 200 point

    4. Obtain Education in Canada: Successfully completing a recognized Diploma or Degree in Canada not only fulfills educational requirements but also can contribute a maximum of 30 points towards your CRS score

    5. Include Common-Law Partner/Spouse : Integrating your common-law partner or spouse into your application can fetch an additional 40 points. This includes 20 points for language proficiency and 10 points each for work experience and education in Canada.

    6. Work Experience in Canada : Accumulating work experience in Canada is a valuable strategy. Moreover, with less than three years of full-time work experience, you can add a maximum of 150 points to your CRS score.

    Explore these avenues carefully, and align them strategically with your profile to secure the points needed for a successful Express Entry application. Furthermore, stay proactive in enhancing your CRS score to maximize your chances of obtaining the coveted ITA. Consequently, continuous effort and strategic planning will undoubtedly boost your chances of success.